Ok, I'm honestly only writing this post because
I got an email from Carie requesting that I update my blog. So here it is Carie. I hope you realize how much of a sacrifice this was for you. :)
Ok, so honestly a ton of stuff has been happening in my life. I just haven't been blogging about it...
First off,
I am now a double graduate! In April I graduated from massage therapy school. It is weird to me that I am officially done with school forever if I want to be! Unless I go to grad school then I may never have another homework assignment.
I don't feel old enough to be at this stage of life. This is both terrifying and liberating to me.
Terrifying in the fact that I no longer have a routine set up for me by classes. I also have to start finding a real job. I don't think I can justify having 4 little jobs for much longer. Graduating also means that I have to start finding other ways beyond school to be social. My main fear though, is loans. I have to start paying off student loans. Debt sickens me, and I try to think about this as little as possible.
Now the flip side is my feeling of
freedom.I can really focus on work, and can start a business and have time to actually market it! I can also do things I've always wanted to, but never had time (learning violin, reading, rock climbing, biking, painting, etc.).
Along with graduation have also come a few life lessons.Patience. I was hoping to take my national exam to become a Licensed Massage Therapist within a few weeks of graduating. However, due to the incredibly slow processing from Provo College
it has now been 8 weeks since I graduated, and I don't even have the test scheduled! The most frustrating thing about this predicament is that I can't officially work yet. To top that off my temp job at an internet marketing company has ended.
Importance of tithing. Without being able to really work let's just say that money has not been coming in regularly. There was a week where I was debating whether to pay tithing then or wait til the end of the month. I then remembered all the little Ensign stories about blessings from tithing so
I paid. It worked. I was blessed. The next Monday my marketing job called and asked if I could still do some PR work for them from home even thought my job had officially ended. I also got another job as a Fitness Boot Camp Instructor, and I got a referral to give a few massages to people who were willing to pay even though I'm not licensed.
I really am being watched over.